Expiration of General License Authorizing Certain Transactions with Respect to Seafood, Alcoholic Beverages and Non-Industrial Diamond Importations from the Russian Federation

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has GENERAL LICENSE NO.17:” Authorizing Transactions Related to Certain Imports Prohibited by Executive Order of March 11, 2022” expires at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time, March 25, 2022.


CBP will therefore be requiring manifests, entries for consumption or warehouse or admissions to Foreign Trade Zones for shipments of fish, seafood, and preparations thereof; alcoholic beverages; or non-industrial diamonds of Russian Federation origin to be held as prohibited products. Additional guidance on disposition will be provided but shipments will be held pending this guidance.
CBP continues to require that shipments of fish, seafood, and preparations thereof; alcoholic beverages; or non-industrial diamonds of Russian Federation origin are not authorized for direct delivery privilege until further notice. Request for Admission via a CBP Form 214 or electronic equivalent prior to authorization will be required for the duration of this EO.
CBP expects trade partners to continue to be proactive in identifying shipments subject to the EO and the General License and to provide appropriate documentation to ensure compliance.
Related Message: CSMS #51289217

Read the CSMS Here.

UPDATE: Expiration of General License Authorizing Certain Transactions with Respect to Seafood, Alcoholic Beverages and Non-Industrial Diamond Importations from the Russian Federation Updated for GL 17a

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has GENERAL LICENSE NO.17:” Authorizing Transactions Related to Certain Imports Prohibited by Executive Order of March 11, 2022” expires at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time, March 25, 2022.
On March 24, 2022 OFAC issued GENERAL LICENSE NO. 17a which modified the original license maintaining the expiration of license for alcoholic beverages and non-industrial diamonds and extended the timeframe for closing out contracts for shipments of fish, seafood, and preparations thereof to 12:01a.m. EDT on June 23,2022. Previous guidance regarding submission of contracts continues to apply. A link to the license is provided below:


CBP will therefore be requiring manifests, entries for consumption or warehouse or admissions to Foreign Trade Zones of alcoholic beverages; or non-industrial diamonds of Russian Federation origin to be held as prohibited products. Additional guidance on disposition will be provided but shipments will be held pending this guidance.
CBP continues to require that shipments of fish, seafood, and preparations thereof; alcoholic beverages; or non-industrial diamonds of Russian Federation origin are not authorized for direct delivery privilege until further notice. Request for Admission via a CBP Form 214 or electronic equivalent prior to authorization will be required for the duration of this EO.
CBP expects trade partners to continue to be proactive in identifying shipments subject to the EO and the General License and to provide appropriate documentation to ensure compliance.
Related Message: CSMS #51413216

Read the CSMS Here.
Enhanced e214 MID validation to be deployed to production on 4/4/2022
An enhanced e214 Manufacturer ID (MID) validation will be deployed to Production on 04/04/2022. This is a reminder that all MIDs must be on file in the CBP system prior to submission of the e214 FTZ Admission (FT).
The system will reject FT admission filings with invalid MIDs with the error message 150 “MANUFACTURER ID NOT ON FILE.”
The code will be deployed to CBP’s Certification region on 3/22/2022.

Read the CSMS Here.

Updated ACE Development and Deployment Schedule Posted to CBP.gov/ACE

An updated ACE Development and Deployment Schedule has been posted to CBP.gov/ACE.
Please note that this is a notional schedule and subject to change. More information regarding these deployments is forthcoming and will be provided via CSMS message.
Direct link: https://www.cbp.gov/document/guidance/ace-development-and-deployment-schedule
Visit CBP.gov/ACE for the most up-to-date information on ACE Deployments​

Read the CSMS Here.
Import Ocean Appendix D – Disposition Codes Update posted for ACE for ACE Import Ocean Manifest House Bill Release capability

An update has been posted for Appendix D – Disposition codes in the Ocean House Bill Release – Draft Chapters tab located at https://www.cbp.gov/trade/automated/technical/ace-import-manifest-documentation
Four (4) new status notification disposition codes have been added for Permit-to-Transfer (PTT) arrivals and PTT cancel arrivals to become available upon ACE Import Ocean Manifest House Bill functionality

Read the CSMS Here.

Update on AMS Electronic Filing of Spanish-Style Olives in containers over 8KG between February 28, 2022, and March 23, 2022, for Marketing Order (MO) Message Sets

During the timeframe of March 20, 2022, and March 23, 2022, all Spanish-style olives in containers over 8KG, drained weight, will need to be filed under the MO1 message set and a copy of the Certificate of Analysis sent to the complianceinfo@usda.gov e-mail mailbox, so a manual release can be done by an Agricultural Marketing Service, Market Development Division specialist. This unique situation will be rectified on March 23, 2022. After March 23, 2022, filers will be able to utilize the MO6 message set for these specific types of olive entries as appropriate.

Read the CSMS Here.
ACE Truck Manifest Modernization – Information on Upcoming Deployments

On January 30, 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began the multi-release deployment of Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest – Phase 2, also known as ACE Truck Manifest Modernization (TMM). The first deployment took place at the port of Brownsville, TX, and the second deployment occurred on March 13, 2022 at the port of Buffalo, NY.

Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest – Phase 2 is focused on enhancing the CBP user interface (UI) for processing truck manifests. CBP did not initially anticipate trade user impacts as part of Phase 2, but it has been determined that previously relaxed validations in the legacy truck manifest application are now enforced in TMM and have resulted in errors for some users. TMM validations are being enforced as documented in the Truck Manifest X.12 – 309 and EDIFACT CUSCAR EDI implementation guides found at https://www.cbp.gov/trade/automated/technical/ace-import-manifest-documentation
TMM will continue to operate in Brownsville and Buffalo. Due to the identified issues mentioned above that affect some trade users, CBP has delayed subsequent releases of TMM to give trade users the opportunity to make necessary adjustments to adhere to the implementation guides. The schedule below reflects the remaining deployment schedule for TMM:
Laredo, TX: Deployment delayed to April 24, 2022Detroit, MI: Deployment May 15, 2022All Remaining Ports: Deployment June 5, 2022Retire Legacy Truck Manifest Application (R4): June 20, 2022Deployment of Enhancements to Truck Manifest – Phase 3: July 11, 2022
For questions about TMM and the upcoming deployments, please contact ASKACE@cbp.dhs.gov

Read the CSMS Here.

ACE Truck Manifest Modernization – Information on Amendment/Deletion Messages

Edits have been implemented to ensure that the Manifest Number (previously known as the Trip Number) must be included when transmitting amendment/deletion messages for bills linked to a Truck E-Manifest. “SYSTEM” should only be transmitted for amendment/deletion messages for bills not linked to an E-Manifest.

[see CSMS for more details]

Related CSMS: CSMS #51401505

Read the CSMS Here.

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