Relevant information. Real compliance.

The association works to bring up-to-date topics of interest
as well as refreshers from compliance to ISF to OGA to BIS/AES.

Customs Committee

Works in partnership with local US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and partner government agency officials to find solutions to import trade issues and local Atlanta port concerns, including the implementation of new Regulations or Customs Directives, and Customs Broker best practices. The FDA Sub-Committee works closely with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to promote close relationships between government and trade.

Export Committee

Cooperates with local Customs officials, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and other industry shareholders to seek formidable solutions and provide community outreach regarding export trade issues, including export security and compliance, shipper responsibilities, other local concerns pertinent to the forwarding community.

Terminals Committee

Liaises with Custom brokers, forwarders, container freight stations, truckers, ground handling agents, warehouses, and airlines to effectively promote the smooth movement of cargo in Atlanta. This committee keeps our members abreast of any new changes or associated fees relative to cargo pick-up and drop-off procedures that might affect our members.

IT Committee

Governs communications via the Association’s website, publications, and social media platforms. This group is responsible to provide meeting notices, share educational information and pictures from events, manage the membership directory, and ensure all information is up to date on all platforms.

Government Affairs Coordinator (GAC)

Builds strong relationships with Georgia Congressmen, Senators, and their staffers to compile White Papers and promote lobbying efforts on behalf of our industry. The Association meets at least annually in Washington, DC, with Representatives to voice industry needs.

Education Committee

Assists the Board and credible guest speakers to coordinate educational meetings so that our members consistently accumulate knowledge, understanding, and experience in our ever-evolving industry. The Education Committee is responsible for the management of CCS/CES/MCS/MES points awarded by the NCBFAA Educational Institute (NEI) for continued education. This Committee works in close conjunction with our partners in education to provide scholarships to NCBFAA Conferences, broker exam classes, and other workplace training programs offered throughout the year.

Membership Committee

Is the first point of contact for potential new members and volunteers. Once a new member is recruited by the Association, this committee will contact you to collect applicable dues, verify your subscriptions to our weekly E-blast and website for full membership benefits, as well as guide you on volunteer opportunities to further enhance your AIFBA member experience. Membership dues are renewed annually. All memberships are from January – December.

Planning Committee

Plans and organizes annual industry events such as our Spring Picnic, TSA Consortia event, Port Day, and our December holiday luncheon. Sponsorship opportunities are always welcomed for events and a planning committee member would be delighted to discuss sponsorship levels with you!