Renew your AIFBA membership today! Information below!Join a Committee or volunteer to lead one. Reply to this email.CBP Annual Permit User Fee is due! Don’t wait, do it today!Register for our February ‘Back to Basics’ Webinar. Register today. A HUGE THANK YOU!To those from our membership who sponsored a Nice List child from Christian City.You have made their holidays even brighter through your giving. |
Don’t wait! Renew now. |
Please make your check payable to: Atlanta International Forwarders and Brokers Association Please mail your payment to: AIFBAPO BOX 45284ATLANTA, GA 30320TAX ID# 58-1466324 We would love your feedback on how we can do even better in 2022!2022 Annual Renewal Notice The 2022 AIFBA Annual Renewal Period is now open. As we collectively look forward to 2022, AIFBA is committed to providing our members with resources and educational opportunities. In doing so, we want to be a place where seasoned professionals and industry newcomers find value and networking opportunities. Cost for Membership: $250.00**A late fee of $50.00 will apply if paid after March 1, 2021. You can renew your membership by visiting our website,, or mail us a check! Please include any updates/changes to your listing to include all individuals in your organization you wish to receive our email alerts. You may include an additional page, if necessary, to list the complete names and email addresses as those individuals will receive meeting notices and other communications via email. Please write clearly or type to avoid email errors. Memberships are only available to companies, not individuals. Want to join AIFBA? There’s a link for that, too! Not already on our mailing list, we’ve got you covered, just click here! |